Tactical voting

Edinburgh East and Musselburgh

Our tactical voting recommendation in Edinburgh East and Musselburgh:
Vote Labour

Why vote Labour in Edinburgh East and Musselburgh?

Labour is targeting this seat and appear to be fighting hard here. For that reason we recommend voting for the Labour Party in this constituency.

Tactical voting decision based on

Current MP
Local factors

Which parties look like they are targeting Edinburgh East and Musselburgh?

It looks like Edinburgh East and Musselburgh is a Labour target seat.

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About our data

Polling: Voting Intention for Edinburgh East and Musselburgh

MRP polling by Survation:

Selector of different research dates
30 Mar
04 Jun
15 Jun
Conservative 11.66%
Labour 37.31%
Liberal Democrats 4.54%
Reform 2.24%
Green 5.13%
SNP 37.05%
Other 2.03%
Updated: 15 June 20:20

Remember, polling data alone should not be used for tactical voting. It's important to consider local factors and which party holds the seat.

How many people intend to vote tactically in Edinburgh East and Musselburgh?


What's happened in Edinburgh East and Musselburgh

Energy Bills


Percentage of constituents who are worried about not being able to pay their energy bills in the next year
Source: Survation MRP for 38 Degrees (February 2023)

Food Banks (Local)


visits (April 2017 - March 2018)


visits (April 2022 - March 2023)
Source: Trussell Trust (April 2023)

Food Banks (Great Britain)


visits (April 2009 - March 2010)


visits (April 2022 - March 2023)
Source: Trussell Trust (April 2023)



people are estimated to be homeless in your region
Source: Shelter (December 2023)

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