Tactical Voting

Our Data

Westminster Voting Intention

Best for Britain commissioned Survation to collect data on Westminster Voting Intention and to analyse that data using Multilevel Regression and Poststratification (MRP) modelling to estimate the vote share of each party in each constituency.

The most recent MRP data we have published is based on polling of 42,269 adults resident in Great Britain conducted by Survation between 31 May and 13 June 2024. We published this data on 15th June 2024.

The second set of MRP data we published was based on polling of 30,044 adults resident in Great Britain conducted by Survation between 22 May and the 3 June 2024. We published this data on 4th June 2024.

The first set of MRP data we published was based on polling of 30,044 adults resident in Great Britain conducted by Survation between 8-22 March 2024. We published this data on 30 March 2024.

Multilevel Regression Poststratification Polling (MRP)

Multilevel regression and poststratification is a way of producing estimates of opinion and attitudes for small defined geographic areas. It works by combining information from large national samples (for example tens of thousands of respondents) with ONS and census data. A full explanation is available here.

Parliamentary boundaries correspond to the 2023 final proposals to Parliament made by the respective boundary commissions for each nation which will come into force at the next General Election.Further information on the new boundaries can be found on the respective commissions’ websites for England; Wales and Scotland.

List of all parliamentary constituencies.

Ambulance Waiting Times

The data shows Category 2 emergency call response times as taken from the NHS England website Ambulance Quality Indicators data for 2017-18 and 2022-23.

The data shows the time taken for 90% of emergency calls to be responded to in both November 2018 and November 2023.

A Category 2 emergency call includes symptoms such as a stroke, or chest pain. According to the Nuffield Trust, these types of calls should be responded to within 18 minutes and 90% of these calls should be responded to within 40 minutes.

Under the Conservatives, NHS understaffing and chronic underfunding has been stretching ambulance services to their limit.

Energy Bills

This data is taken from an MRP poll performed by Survation on behalf of 38 Degrees and the fieldwork was done between 10 – 16 February 2023 of a sample size of 6,094.

Survation used Multilevel Regression and Poststratification modelling to estimate the percentage of each constituency who are worried about not being able to pay their energy bills in the next year.

Data was weighted by demographics and past vote to be representative of all adults in the UK aged 18+.

Under the Conservatives, energy bills have soared to record highs meaning that many families have had to make the choice between heating and eating.

Food Banks (Local)

These statistics include the number of emergency food parcels food banks the Trussell Trust’s food network have provided to people regionally. This data is available on the Trussell Trust’s website.

The data we are displaying shows the breakdown for each region that the constituency is related to over two different financial years. These are the 1 April 2009 – 31 March 2010; as well as between the 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023.

Under the Conservatives, food bank usage has increased dramatically during their time in office as many families find themselves unable to afford basic essentials as part of their weekly shop.

Food Banks (Great Britain)

These statistics include the number of emergency food parcels food banks the Trussell Trust’s food network have provided to people nationally. This data is available on the Trussell Trust’s website.

The data we are displaying shows the breakdown over two different financial years. These are the 1 April 2009 – 31 March 2010; as well as between the 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023.

Under the Conservatives, the whole country has seen food prices rise dramatically while the economy has stagnated.


This data shows the number of crimes solved in each police unitary authority across the country between 2019 – 2022. 

The data is taken from the Home Office and has been allocated at a regional level by matching each police authority to their local county/region.

Under the Conservatives, the justice system has broken completely and prisons are almost at their capacity.


These statistics include a regional breakdown of the number of people who are estimated to be homeless at a given night in 2023 in each English region as outlined in Shelter’s end of year statistics

The numbers displayed are the sum of rough sleepers and those in council temporary accommodation, or those homeless at home or living in temporary accommodation arranged by themselves.

Under the Conservatives, the cost of living has spiralled, leaving many people simply unable to afford to live in a home.