Voter ID

What Photo ID do I need?

What you need to bring with you when you vote has changed. Find out what photo ID is valid below. Remember to take the original document and not a copy.

Accepted ID within England, Scotland and Wales.

Passport issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, a British Overseas Territory, an EEA state or a Commonwealth country (including an Irish Passport Card)
Driving licence issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, or an EEA state (this includes a provisional driving licence)
A Blue Badge
Older Person’s Bus Pass funded by the UK Government
Disabled Person’s Bus Pass funded by the UK Government
Voter Authority Certificate
Identity card bearing the Proof of Age Standards Scheme hologram (a PASS card)
60+ London Oyster Photocard funded by Transport for London
Freedom Pass
Scottish National Entitlement Card issued for the purpose of concessionary travel (including a 60+, disabled or under 22s bus pass)
60 and Over Welsh Concessionary Travel Card
Disabled Person’s Welsh Concessionary Travel Card
Senior SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland
Registered Blind SmartPass or Blind Person’s SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland
War Disablement SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland
60+ SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland
Half Fare SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland
Biometric immigration document
Ministry of Defence Form 90 (Defence Identity Card)
National identity card issued by an EEA state
Electoral Identity Card issued in Northern Ireland
Anonymous Elector’s Document

Not accepted I.D. across England, Scotland and Wales

Workplace ID card
Student ID card
18+ Student Oyster Photocard
Young Person’s Bus Pass
Young Scot National Entitlement card
National Insurance card
Library card
Birth certificate
Marriage or civil partnership certificate
Adoption certificate
Bank or building society cheque book
Bank or building society statement, credit card statement, mortgage statement
P45 or P60 form

Don’t have an accepted form of Photo ID?

You can order a Voter Authority Certificate or Apply for a Postal Vote.

Get an reminder to bring your Photo ID

We will send you a reminder on election day.

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